The Donald Donald Danforth Plant Science Center just announced AgTech NEXT 2022, a three-day event that will examine the intersection of technology, trade, and talent as they relate to our regional and global food system. This is the first year AgTech NEXT will take place in person, following completely virtual events held in 2020 and 2021. AgTech NEXT 2022 will be held at the Danforth Plant Science Center, located in St. Louis’ 39 North Innovation District.

It’s an understatement to say a lot has happened since AgTech NEXT last occurred, in 2021. War impacting supply chains. Devastating weather ravaging crops. The highest inflation the US has seen in 40 years. The list goes on.

“Climate pressures, resource conflicts, and sociopolitical strife are causing an enormous strain on our food system, unlike anything we have seen in decades,” Stephanie Regagnon, executive director of innovation partnerships at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, tells AFN over email.  READ MORE