Climate change has industries across the board seeking ways to cut the overall emissions that they produce, inducing food production, which accounts for more than a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions.

The global agricultural sector has added challenges of adapting to new climate conditions, needing to produce more food, while also reducing emissions at the same time.

St. Louis has an opportunity to lead the world in responding to these multi-layered challenges given the region’s established expertise in plant sciences and agriculture and growing geospatial presence.

“This is a combination that doesn’t happen anywhere (else) in the world,” said Pablo Sobron, founder of Impossible Sensing, a St. Louis startup that takes sensor technology developed from space exploration and applies it to climate related challenges on Earth.

It’s one of the core reasons why the agtech part of Sobron’s company will be based at the 39 North AgTech Innovation District, he explained.

“Agriculture is a business that takes place in space and time,” said Elliott Kellner, director of commercial innovation at the Danforth Plant Science Center. “We are planting crops and raising animals across the landscape. It’s not the same in every spot.” READ MORE