Jim Carrington, the president and CEO of the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, said Monday he plans to step down from his role in 2025.

Carrington will depart the nonprofit research institute July 1, 2025, the Danforth Center announced Monday. Carrington joined the Danforth Center as its president in 2011.

“I’ve been so fortunate to have had this opportunity over the past 13 years,” said Carrington in a news release. “We’ve been able to do so much because of our exceptional people, our partners and our supporters. But it’s time to plan for a transition, and I know the Center will benefit greatly from the renewal of perspective, ideas and talents that come with a new leader.”

Carrington said at the start of his tenure he wanted to strengthen the Danforth Center’s efforts to commercialize research within its walls and help startups pursue capital. That has remained an area of focus for the Danforth Center, which had recorded wins in helping advance agriculture innovation. READ MORE