The highly anticipated XPRIZE competition announced the 20 finalists for their $50M carbon-removal prize to be awarded in 2025. The top 20 finalists were evaluated and selected from more than 1000+ entries by the XPRIZE Carbon Removal team and a group of qualified judges. Of those, Mati Carbon, an enhanced rock weathering (ERW) public benefit corporation focused on the Global South was selected. While the work is being conducted and operationalized in Indian and Sub-Saharan Africa, Chief Science Officer and St. Louis resident Dr. Jake Jordan knows the value of the city’s AgTech ecosystem saying, “The sheer number of  folks in the St. Louis area who have deep knowledge of precision agriculture has helped to buoy our efforts and get me up to speed on agronomics more rapidly.” Jordan when on to say that as a geophysicist, getting key agricultural details was something he needed help with and the proximity to plant scientists and other climate companies is beneficial to the work he and Mati Carbon are doing globally.

Started in 2022, Mati Carbon removes carbon at scale with 10,000 years of permanence, boosting climate resilience of smallholder farmers in climate-vulnerable regions. Recently Mati Caron completed the first ever delivery of Engineered Carbon Removal tonnes in the Global South, delivering 50 tonnes of CDR to Frontier buyers in March of this year. Dr. Jordan had this to say about the advancement, “being a member of the ‘Top 20’ in the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition is a big boost for Mati. Aside from taking a shot at the money associated with the grand prize, we hope to use the extra visibility as a platform for smallholder farmers in the Global South.” READ MORE